Cambridge Chinese Christian Fellowship

A fellowship of students, located in Cambridge, united in Christ


A Prayer for Events Week

Lord, as Events Week comes to an end, we thank you for all that has passed this week. We thank you for those that attended the talks and the hearts that were touched, for the encouraging and uplifting experiences we have had in proclaiming your Name, and for the powerful signs of your hand at work.

We pray for all those around us that have come to find out more about you this week, Lord, that these brief encounters will take root in their hearts. May the seeds that were sown continue to grow and be harvested in your time.

We ask that you give wisdom and strength to all individuals and college groups to carry out follow-ups after Events Week. Let the likeness of Christ be seen through us as we serve as witnesses for what you have done for us, that others will recognise you working through us. We also pray that everyone will have time to rest after a busy week, and that you will help those that need to catch up on work that they will not feel weary, but know that you are with them.

We pray especially for the LNY parties organised by the CCCF. Thank you that many came for the dinner hosted by Christ’s, Sprout and Garang Sheep. We continue to rely on your might as the dinner hosted by Anew and Higher Ground approaches, and we pray all that we do will be for your kingdom and your glory.

All this we pray in Christ’s most precious name, Amen.

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