Cambridge Chinese Christian Fellowship

A fellowship of students, located in Cambridge, united in Christ


Easter 2016 Schedule

CF Monday Meetings

As we enter into Easter term, we’ll be looking at two topics. Firstly, we’ll find out how to love, encourage and remind each another to keep up in fellowship with our Lord, especially amidst the busyness of our revision. Secondly, as the Tripos season draws closer, let us be reminded that our studies and exams are all done as a form of worship unto the Lord!

Dinner and fellowship start at 7pm. All Monday meetings will be held at Henry Martin Hall, Holy Trinity Church.

Date Details Speaker
25th Apr Abiding in God Calvin Cheah
2nd May Worshipful living TBC
9th May Prayer and Praise

CG Friday Meetings

The focus this term will be a selection of four Psalms. Three themes in particular will be fleshed out in these Psalms, namely:
1) That hope is to be found in God alone and not in man’s finite strength
2) In suffering and despair, one must trust in God and in His deliverance
3) God’s acts, character and kingdom give reason for our praise

Date Bible passage
22nd Apr Psalm 33
29th Apr Psalm 25
6th May Psalm 31
13th May Psalm 145

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