Cambridge Chinese Christian Fellowship

A fellowship of students, located in Cambridge, united in Christ


Lent 2017 Schedule

CF Monday Meetings

Monday CF is an important time for all 5 CGs to come together to worship God through prayer and praise, encourage each other, and grow in particular aspects of our faith. With our vision in mind, we want to encourage CF to be outward-reaching through the sharings. We hope to see all our members coming to Monday CF fortnightly for fellowship, and getting involved in serving each other.

Dinner and fellowship start at 7pm. All Monday meetings will be held at St Andrews St Baptist Church, Lower Hall. Visit the About page to for directions

Date Details
30th Jan: Combined Prayer
13th Feb: Sharing: 1-to-1 Bible Studies
27th Feb: Annual General Meeting
13th Mar: Handover

CG Friday Meetings – Isaiah

Through reading the prophecies in the book of Isaiah, we want to grow in knowledge and hope in God’s promises, while guiding our pre-believing friends to examine these promises with us. Contact CG Leaders for meeting locations – these take place on Friday evenings at 7pm, with dinner, worship, Bible study, fellowship, prayer, and more!

Date Details
20th Jan: Isaiah 1
27th Jan: Isaiah 6
3rd Feb: Isaiah 9:1-7, 11:1-10
17th Feb: Isaiah 25
24th Feb: Isaiah 40
3rd Mar: Isaiah 49:1-13
10th Mar: Isaiah 53
17th Mar: Isaiah 60:1-3, 61

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