Cambridge Chinese Christian Fellowship

A fellowship of students, located in Cambridge, united in Christ


Lent 2016 Schedule

CF Monday Meetings

In Michaelmas, we explored our God’s faithfulness to us, and what it means to have faith in serving God. This Lent, we’ll be looking at two key expressions of the Christian faith: prayer and evangelism. Through praying and sharing the good news of Jesus with our friends daily, we want to grow in deeper knowledge of our God, and further put our trust in Him as we become more acquainted with His character.

Dinner and fellowship start at 7pm. All Monday meetings will be held at Henry Martin Hall, Holy Trinity Church.

Date Details Speaker
18th Jan Faith that prayer transforms Simon Deeks
25th Jan Being faithful: persevering in prayer TBC
1st Feb Break for Main Event
8th Feb Persevering in evangelism TBC
15th Feb Break
22nd Feb AGM
29th Feb Break
7th Mar Prayer & Praise/Handover

CG Friday Meetings

The subject of 2 Corinthians is ministry: the church’s work of service in the world. How are we, as Christians, to conduct ourselves as we proclaim the gospel – the message of God reconciling man to Himself through Jesus – to the world? What assurances can we draw on in times of trial and tribulation?

Date Bible passage
15th Jan 2 Corinthians 1:1-11
22nd Jan 2 Corinthians 1:12-24
29th Jan 2 Corinthians 2-3:3
5th Feb Break for Main Event
12th Feb 2 Corinthians 3:4-4:6
19th Feb 2 Corinthians 4:7-5:10
26th Feb 2 Corinthians 5:11-6:13
4th Mar 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1

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